The Lion's Mark June/July 2023

This issue of the Lion’s Mark includes:

  • Father Mullen explores Saint Mark’s inception and construction in the context of the Oxford Movement and how these principles from the parish’s founding can still guide its future.

  • An exciting announcement about historic preservation work to begin soon on the Lady Chapel.

  • Save the date for the 175th anniversary gala on February 9, 2024!

  • An update on the music ministry at the end of the program year.

  • Saint Mark’s Singers summer bota events. Come for a brief rehearsal, stay for the fellowship.

  • Summer programming and events in the life of the parish.

  • Articles and updates from members of the staff.

Posted on June 5, 2023 .

The Lion's Mark February/March 2023

This issue of the Lion’s Mark includes:

  • Father Mullen delves into how Lent gives us an opportunity to recall a shared narrative that teaches us the nature of God as well as how to live in community.

  • Details for the Lenten Quiet Day with Sarah Coakley and Vincent Lloyd on Theology, Race, and the Church.

  • Programming for the Saint Mark’s Singers spring performances. Now is a great time to join!

  • Insight from Mother Frazier for how the curriculum for Compass, the formation section for high schoolers, was created.

  • Robert McCormick gives an update on the music ministry and perspective on how he plans the choral music schedule for the year.

  • Upcoming events for February and March along with the Holy Week schedule.

  • In 2023-2024, Saint Mark’s celebrates the 175th anniversary of the founding of the parish, read a little bit of history about our founding and save the date for the first event to celebrate.

  • Thoughts from Hyacinth Iversen, Ministry Resident for Outreach, on how the Food Cupboard continues to see a large influx of new clients.

  • Topics for the Adult Forum in Lent and the first portion of Eastertide from Mother Johnson.

  • Father Moore ponders how the standard definition of words like “parish” and “parishioner” sometimes struggle to accurately reflect the nature of the church and community in the 21st century.

Posted on February 16, 2023 .