The Parish Choir | Saint Mark's Church

The Parish Choir

Saint Mark’s Church is known for its distinguished music program that graces our services, and lifts the spirits of parishioners and visitors alike. A core of 9 professional singers and approximately 12 talented volunteers comprise the Parish Choir, which sings the services for High Mass (11 a.m. Sundays), Feast Days, and special services such as Evensong and Lessons & Carols, from the beginning of September to the Feast of Corpus Christi in June.

The purpose of music at Saint Mark’s is, quite simply, the musical rendering of the liturgy, whether that be chanting of plainsong by the clergy, singing of the ordinary of the Mass and motets by the choir, hymns sung by the congregation, or voluntaries played on the grand organ. The repertoire is wide-ranging, from the earliest known medieval music, through the Baroque/Classical/Romantic eras, to the most compelling and beautiful sacred music being written today. A current schedule of choral music for the year can be found here.

We are always eager and interested in auditioning new volunteer singers for the Parish Choir. You need not be a member of the parish to belong to the choir, and those of any faith are invited to audition. We look for the following:

  • An excellent singing voice, a strong ear and aural skills, extensive choral experience, and a desire to make music at a professional level.

  • Strong sight-reading ability.

  • The ability and willingness to commit to an extensive schedule of regular rehearsals on Thursdays, 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m., Sundays from 9:45 a.m. with Mass at 11 a.m., and additional rehearsals and services (schedule subject to alteration).

If you are interested in auditioning for the choir, please contact Organist & Choirmaster Donald Meineke.