Preparation for Confirmation and Reception into the Church
“In the course of their Christian development, those baptized at an early age are expected, when they are ready and have been duly prepared, to make a mature, public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop.
In confirmation, young people or adults reaffirm the vows made at their Baptism and they receive the laying on of hands by the Bishop, confirming God's gift of the Holy Spirit and recognizing a mature commitment to the faith of the Church. Those who come to Saint Mark's from other Christian denominations, and who have already been baptized and confirmed, may wish to be received into The Episcopal Church and welcomed by the Bishop.
Each year the clergy organize a series of discussions to prepare candidates for confirmation or reception into the Church. The discussion generally covers topics ranging from how we read the Bible to church history to talking about the personal histories of those participating in the group. Classes are typically offered during the time between Epiphany and Easter, leading to confirmation or reception on the feast of Saint Mark in April. To find out more or if you have any questions about preparation for adult confirmation, please contact Mother Nora Johnson. Youth confirmation is available to all children who are at least twelve years of age and have been baptized. Other children who would like to be baptized may elect to participate in confirmation classes in order to prepare for baptism. For more information about youth confirmation classes, please contact Gabriela Montequin.
Adult Confirmation 2025
Would you like to explore your faith in a supportive group to see whether adult baptism, confirmation, or reception into the Episcopal Church might be the next step for you?
The starting date for Adult Confirmation classes is February 2, 2025 please contact Mother Nora Johnson about joining!
Classes will meet in the parish library from 1 to 2 p.m. every Sunday from February 2 through April 27, with a break for Holy Week.
Confirmations and receptions will take place on Wednesday, April 30, at 7 p.m., the Feast of St. Mark (observed), when Bishop Daniel Gutiérrez visits our parish. Topics covered in class include the creeds, the scriptures, the sacraments, prayer, the history of Anglicanism, and the history and structure of The Episcopal Church. More centrally, we work prayerfully to understand more about what it means to live a life of committed faith in this moment and this place. Come and see!
2025 Schedule
Participants will also have access to informational videos and readings that you will use to prepare during the week as you are able. Mother Johnson will talk you through the process of signing up to receive those online, or making alternative arrangements if you need to do that. The weekly readings are listed below, and are never mandatory. Please do make an effort to watch any videos I post during this process, though.
February 2: Introduction and Welcome
We will spend this session getting to know one another and addressing questions you might have about the process. Even if you have not been in touch with Mother Johnson or thought much about getting confirmed, you are very welcome to join us.
February 9: The Creeds
Luke Timothy Johnson, “What the Creed is and What it Does”
February 16: Scripture, part one
Michael Coogan, “What is the Old Testament?”
Peter Enns, “The Stories of Israel”
February 23: Scripture, part two
Luke T. Johnson, “The New Testament and History”
Peter Enns, “The Stories of Jesus”
March 2: Baptism. Please meet at the baptismal font at 1 p.m.
Rowan Williams, Being Christian (excerpt)
Jeffrey Lee, “A Baptismal Church”
March 25: Eucharist
John Macquarrie, A Guide to the Sacraments (excerpt)
March 16: Sacramental Life
John Macquarrie, A Guide to the Sacraments (excerpt)
March 23: Prayer and Moral Decision Making
James Martin, Learning to Pray (excerpt)
Eugene Rogers, Elements of Christian Thought (excerpt)
Luke Timothy Johnson, Scripture and Discernment (excerpt)
March 30: Anglican History and the Anglican Communion
James Griffiss, The Anglican Vision (excerpt)
April 6: History of the Episcopal Church
Ian T. Douglas, “Anglican Mission in Changing Times”
April 13: Palm Sunday, no class.
Saturday, April 19: Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil
Adult baptisms will take place. Please plan on being there so you can witness the baptism of your classmate(s). If you are being baptized at this service, please consult with Mother Johnson about meeting for a brief rehearsal before the service begins.
April 20: Easter Sunday, no class.
April 27: Rehearsal and five-minute "presentations"
Class will gather at 1 p.m. in the church, so we can rehearse briefly for the Confirmations and Receptions that take place on April 30.
What we mean by "presentations": identify something from the process of being prepared for Baptism and/or Confirmation, or from these weeks of exploring your faith, that stands out for you as important, moving, rich, compelling. Come prepared to share it very informally with the rest of the class. We may move back to the library for this part of our session.
April 30: Confirmations and receptions take place at 7 p.m. Solemn High Mass on St. Mark’s Day
Please arrive at 6 a.m. so that we can check in and you can meet with the bishop, who will likely want to have some time with you. We'll meet in the parish hall.