Society of Mary | Saint Mark's Church

The Society of Mary 

The Society of Mary is dedicated to the Glory of God and the Holy Incarnation of Christ under the invocation of Our Lady, Helper of Christians.

For several years a group of parishioners met regularly to pray the Rosary and from this regular gathering, a Ward of the Society of Mary was established at St. Mark's on the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, September 8, 2000, under the title "Mary, Ark of the Covenant".

All are welcome

All are welcome to join with Ward members in praying the Rosary on Saturday mornings following the 10 a.m. mass.

Mary, Mother of the Lord Jesus

Mary is by far the most popular and beloved of all the saints. Churches throughout the world (including our own) honor her with chapels, altars and shrines. The Book of Common Prayer honors Mary with four special feast days, to which are added several others in this parish.

The Scriptures tell us that Mary is full of grace, and was chosen of God. "Be it unto me according to thy Word," was Mary's joyous response to God's plan of redemption. Her obedience initiated the process of our salvation. In her, "the Word became flesh."

Mary has a unique and special relationship with Jesus, and was close to him during his ministry, and the first miracle was performed at her instigation. On the Cross, Jesus gave her to his disciple John, "behold your mother," and thus to all mankind. And on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon her and the apostles. She is indeed "Mother of the Church." Her word to us is, "Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it."


The Society of Mary was formed in 1931 by the union of its parent societies, the Confraternity of Our Lady (founded in 1880) and the League of Our Lady (founded 1902). It has members all over the world and is not confined to Anglicans alone. In 1962 a group of American priests, knowing of two Wards functioning in the Episcopal Church and affiliated with the parent body, received permission from the General Council in England to set up a regional organization in the United States.