This Sunday at Saint Mark's

The Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost, October 20

8 a.m. - Low Mass

A spoken service, with traditional language and sermon

Sermon by Father Cobb

9 a.m. - Family Mass

An in-person, contemporary-language service, with music sung by the Boys & Girls Choir, congregational hymns, and sermon

Sermon by Mother Johnson

The music for the Mass is:
Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love - Sarah MacDonald (b.1968)

10 a.m. - Christian Formation for all ages

Adult Forum Series: Exploring the History of Saint Mark’s

11 a.m. - Choral High Mass

An in-person and live-streamed, contemporary-language service, with music sung by the Parish Choir, chant and incense, congregational hymns, and sermon

Sermon by Father Cobb

The music for the Mass is:
Missa Eliensis - Arthur Wills (1926-2020)
Behold, O God, Our Defender - Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
Love Bade Me Welcome - David Hurd (b.1950)

Posted on October 8, 2024 .