This Sunday at Saint Mark's

The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, February 9

8 a.m. - Low Mass

A spoken service, with traditional language and sermon

Sermon by Mother Johnson

9 a.m. - Family Mass

An in-person, contemporary-language service, with music sung by the Boys & Girls Choir, congregational hymns, and sermon

Sermon by Mother Dure

The music for the Mass is:
Behold, Now, Praise the Lord - William H. Harris (1883-1973)

10 a.m. - Christian Formation for all ages

11 a.m. - Choral High Mass

An in-person and live-streamed, contemporary-language service, with music sung by the Parish Choir, chant and incense, congregational hymns, and sermon

Sermon by Mother Johnson

The music for the Mass:
Missa Ave Jesu - George Oldroyd (1886-1956)
In the Year that King Uzziah Died - David McKinley Williams (1887-1978)
God be in My Head - June Nixon (b. 1942)

Posted on January 12, 2025 .

News from Saint Mark's

Upcoming and Announcements

Classes for adults seeking baptism, confirmation, or reception into the Episcopal Church to begin February 2
Saint Mark’s offers a warm, faith-filled, informative series of classes each year that are designed to prepare you for this next sacramental step in your life of faith. Meetings include lots of discussion and opportunities to get to know one another, and you are very welcome to join us even if you are not sure you are ready to be confirmed this year. Classes meet from 1-2 p.m. in the parish library every Sunday, February 2-April 27.  We will take a break on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. Please contact Mother Nora Johnson if you would like to ask questions or talk through the decision about participating. Complete details are available on the Confirmation page of the website.

Annual Parish Meeting, February 9 at 10 a.m.
The Annual Parish Meeting presents us with an opportunity to discuss the life and ministry of the parish. The meeting will include a presentation of the annual budget some discussion about challenges and opportunities for ministry in the upcoming year, an update on the Rector search process, and an opportunity for questions and open discussion. It’s a lot to fit into 45 minutes, but it’s an important opportunity for communicating and sharing ideas. Please plan to come to the meeting!

Souper Bowl of Caring: Youth Group to Collect Donations on Sunday, February 9 
The Saint Mark’s Youth Group will take up a collection for our Food Cupboard and Saturday Soup Bowl on February 9, “Souper Bowl Sunday.” They will meet you with soup pots in hand into which you can place your donation at the doors into the Parish Hall for the Annual Parish Meeting at 10 a.m. Our teens thank you in advance for your generosity in supporting Saint Mark’s service to those who are hungry in our own neighborhood.

20s/30s Super Bowl Party, Sunday, February 9
The Rectory residents welcome friends in their 20s and 30s to join us in watching the biggest game of the year! Let’s share some pub food and cheer for our favorite teams! Our gathering will begin at 6 p.m. Kickoff is 6:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please reach out to Gabriela Montequin.

Modified Parish Office Schedule, Monday, February 17
The parish office will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents’ Day. There will be Low Mass at 10 a.m., but no other liturgies or programming.

Parent Meeting, Sunday, February 23 at 10 a.m.
It was an exciting fall for Children and Families at Saint Mark’s! And we want to hear your perspective on all the new programming. Join us for a chance to hear updates about Family Ministry opportunities for the remainder of the year. Mother Lucy Ann Dure will facilitate and introduce herself to our community of families. The meeting will be held in the Rectory Dining Room on Sunday, January 26 at 10 a.m., just after Family Mass

Posted on January 9, 2025 .