Fridays in Lent beginning
Fridays in Lent are days of special devotion. At Saint Mark’s it’s our custom to walk the Stations of the Cross, after Evening Prayer on Fridays in Lent, and we’ll continue that practice this year. Evening Prayer is said at 5:30 p.m. with Stations following. This year, there will be an organ meditation played between Evening Prayer and Stations; these pieces will be based on beloved Lenten and Passiontide chorale tunes.
The Feast of the Annunciation, Tuesday, March 25 at 7 p.m.
Saint Mark’s will have a Solemn High Mass to celebrate the Annunciation of Our Lord. The Boys & Girls Choir will join the Parish Choir to sing this feast. A dessert potluck will follow the Mass; dust off your mixer, get your trifle bowl out of storage, and please bring a sweet treat to share that will dazzle and delight.
Lenten Quiet Day at Saint Mark’s, Saturday, March 29 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Set aside a few hours on Saturday, March 29, to center yourself in God’s presence, and drink from the well which Jesus promises us bubbles up to eternal life (John 4:14). Come to the Low Mass in the Lady Chapel at 10 a.m., or join us directly afterwards with refreshments in the Parish Hall, for a day guided through reflections on scripture, prayer, and silence helpful in the last weeks of Lent. Please let Mother Dure know if you plan to come so we can plan for lunch, and see her if you have any questions.
Seven Last Words of Jesus Liturgy, April 9 at 6:30 p.m.
Members of the 20s/30s group are welcome to share their reflections on the Seven Last Words of Jesus throughout the four Gospels. We will observe this liturgy at the St. John’s Altar where our friends can express what Jesus’ words mean to them. Are you interested in preparing something to say and sharing your thoughts? Interested but need more information? Please contact Gabriela Montequin or Mike Benevenia. The sign-up deadline is April 4.
The Way of the Cross for Children, Friday, April 18 at 3:30 p.m.
Children and Youth are invited to join in a family friendly service of “The Way of the Cross for Children” on Good Friday. Beginning in the church, the children will process informally through age appropriate Stations of the Cross both inside and outside the church. They will have the opportunity to interactively learn about the events of Jesus’ Passion: touching a crown of thorns, tasting vinegar, carrying a cross. The service will last about an hour. If you have any questions, please be in touch with Gabriela Montequin or Mother Dure.